Birthday Wishes & messages from the People Birthday

October 6th, 2020

A rather busy week for me, bee-wise. I’ve been spending more time on the forums and getting more into the weeds of things, which has been fun!

I realize now, at this point, I have ±10 beemergencies a day. This is by design, as it pushes me to actually get my daily tasks done.

It doesn’t really work for bigger tasks I have, like blog posts, where sometimes I try to just create something the last day instead of utilizing the whole week for it. I’m not really sure how to intelligently segment something like writing an article in a way that fits into how I use Beeminder.

Systems Updates

  • /distraction: Cleaned up the graph’s jagged ups-and-downs in the road editor. I also changed the rules on RescueTime to be more strict with what’s considered distracting so I waste less time on the computer.
  • In general, I changed the views of a few older goals that I created back in 2017 to see their full range, rather than just when I restarted them. (Eg. /productivity and /french. I hope this increased context helps provide better understanding. Similarly, I’ve made data points public where applicable.
  • I also still need to find a new solution to /morning-pages, and this is my verbal contract to myself I’ll have that corrected before next week’s post.

I finally took a gander at for new ideas, and I’ll be going over the integrations megalist (now that I know it exists, hah) this week to see what else I can add.

My rule of thumb for new systems is this, I’ll add it to my already large list of beemindings if I find a way to:

  1. Automatically track what I already to.
  2. Automatically track something I really want to start doing.
  3. Automatically track something that’s fun and takes less than five minutes (see /typing).
  4. Or, manually tracking something I need to start doing.

New Systems

  • /meta: I’ve been trying to figure out what my meta goal should be for awhile, and I think tracking the daily cumulative data points from my other systems fits. It’s definitely more interesting/fun than helpful right now, but why not?
  • /typing: I love typing games, and have been using KeyHero forever, so why not give TypeRacer a try! Only problem is that it isn’t working. :( No matter what I do, I get a “Could not fetch scores.” for the value. I don’t know if it’s worth making a dedicated thread for?

About Chitoh

Photo of Chitoh

Hello there! Dan GO is my name. Openly sharing this platform to express appreciation for the person you adore, write Send birthday greetings, thank you notes, and messages of love to people. Stats, messages, and tales from all people to express gratitude designed for all types of mentors, including instructors and celebrities.