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Message to Ebony Day

So many people have aked how can they get their message to Ebony Day ? How can I get a message to Ebony Day ? We are happy to inform it's possible. Here are a few of the stories shared with us from around the world, share gratitude message below:

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Who is Ebony Day

Made history by becoming the first ever unsigned artist to take home the honor of MTV’s Brand New Artist of the Year in 2013. She has a strong internet presence on YouTube with a music channel as well as a video blogging channel.

Prior to Popularity

She uploaded her first video to YouTube, a cover song of Jason Derulo’s “Whatcha Say,” on December 14, 2009.

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She has released original songs by the names of “Gone” and “Machine.”

Family & Everyday Life of Ebony Day

She is from London, England. She and her fiance David Gibbs welcomed a daughter named Daisy Grace in January of 2018. Their son Hudson was born in November 2019.

Conor Maynard won MTV’s Best Artist of the Year honor the year before her.

About Chitoh

Photo of Chitoh

Hello there! Dan GO is my name. Openly sharing this platform to express appreciation for the person you adore, write Send birthday greetings, thank you notes, and messages of love to people. Stats, messages, and tales from all people to express gratitude designed for all types of mentors, including instructors and celebrities.

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